Couple of weeks ago I found out about the Openstack project and I found it immediately to be very interesting. What I’ve been playing around with the most is the object storage part of Openstack called Swift. I’ll show here how you can use Swift with a couple of different libraries. The nice thing about Swift is that it is basically the Rackspace Cloudfiles storage, so the same libraries that work with Cloudfiles, should work with Swift as well. Well, they require some small modifications. But, I’ll show you here two libraries that I know are working already. Of course, you will need a Swift instance running somewhere and instructions on how to setup one you can read the “Swift All In One” document that shows how you can run Swift on a single server.

The first library I’ll show here is the python-cloudfiles. I recommend using the latest one from Github, since the one that you can get for example from Ubuntu repositories does not support Swift and the one you can get from Python Package Index had a bug that made it not work with Swift.

Here I’ll show you how you can connect to your local Swift instance using the authurl parameter and how you can create containers and objects using python-cloudfiles.

from cloudfiles.connection import Connection
conn = Connection("test:test", "test", authurl="")
container = conn.create_container("test")
obj = container.create_object("test.txt")
obj.content_type = "text/plain"

Pretty straightforward… right?

Next, I’ll show you another library that works with Swift called cferl. It’s a Erlang library for Cloudfiles and I made some simple patches to it to make it work with Swift.

Here’s how you can do the same things as in previous example using cferl.

{ok, Connection} = cferl:connect("test:test", "test", "").
{ok, Container} = Connection:create_container(<<"test">>).
{ok, Object} = Container:create_object(<<"test.txt">>).
ok = Object:write_data(<<"test">>, <<"text/plain">>).

Ok, that’s it. Now you can start playing with Swift and storing petabytes of data in it.