String encodings in Erlang
Erlang is famous for the way it deals with strings. Being that strings are “just a list of integers”. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? I’ve been having some issues with Erlang and UTF-8 strings lately and I thought I would write down some of my findings here.
I’m playing with the Erlang shell here so first I need to figure out which encoding my shell is using. This is how I can figure that out.
1> lists:keyfind(encoding, 1, io:getopts()).
{encoding, unicode}
According to the Erlang manual, the shell should be able to read and write UTF-8 strings if your environment has been configured properly. Now we can see that our Erlang shell supports Unicode, so we’re happy. Let’s start playing around with some strings.
Let’s start with string “äiti
” which is a Finnish word for mom (I
find myself missing my mom often when dealing with strings in
Erlang). By default, Erlang strings use Latin-1 encoding. The list of
integers representing this string looks like this.
1> String = [228, 105, 116, 105].
As you can see, Erlang is “clever” enough to show the string
represented by this list of integers. These integers represent code
points for the characters and since the default encoding in Erlang is
Latin-1 the code point for character “ä
” is 228
. For Latin-1,
these code points are integers from 0 to 255. So you can represent 256
different characters with Latin-1. If you’re using ASCII encoding your
code points are between 0 and 127 (ASCII uses seven bits). Since ASCII
is a subset of Latin-1 the characters, “i
” and “t
” have same code
points in ASCII and Latin-1.
Ok, pretty easy so far. But what happens when 256 characters just is
not enough. Say hello to Unicode. With unicode, one can represent
basically any number of characters. The code points are not limited to
just one byte anymore. Let’s stick with the word “äiti
” still for a
while. We know that ASCII is a subset of Latin-1 and actually Latin-1
is also a subset of Unicode. Makes sense, ha? So Latin-1 string
” looks in terms of code points exactly the same as Unicode
string “äiti
1> Latin1String = [228, 105, 116, 105].
2> UnicodeString = [228, 105, 116, 105].
Now this is just convenient, since the character “ä
” has the same
code point in Latin-1 and Unicode and it can be represented using only
one byte. Ok, this looks pretty easy. Nothing can go wrong here since
the Latin-1 and Unicode strings look exactly the same. Well, not
quite. Since Unicode can represent way more characters than Latin-1 we
need to agree on how the Unicode strings are represented on the byte
level. You cannot represent the Unicode character “snow man” (☃) with
one byte since it’s Unicode code point is 9731
. Here we need UTF-8
encoding. It is very commonly used and it is the encoding you need to
use nowadays. For example, popular data serialization format JSON
assumes that the JSON string is encoded in UTF-8. Ok, let’s look at
how the string “äiti
” looks like in UTF-8. The integers here no
longer represent the code point in Unicode, but the byte of the UTF-8
string. As you can see we are using Erlang binaries here to represent
the string.
1> Utf8String = <<195, 164, 105, 116, 105>>.
Now Erlang shows the string a bit messed up, since it tries to convert
the binary to string using one byte per character and as you can see
UTF-8 uses two bytes to represent the character “ä
” and the string
looks to be messed up. How we can deal with this in Erlang? We need to
use the unicode
2> unicode:characters_to_list(Utf8String, utf8).
A very common way to mess up things here is to use
. The same thing happens as with the shell
print out. binary_to_list/1
converts binary to list byte by byte and
now your string has five characters instead of four. This can easily
lead to “exploding” strings if you write this string to database and
read it from there and decode it again with binary_to_list/1
Like I already mentioned UTF-8 is the “de facto” encoding nowadays. So here are few pointers about how to deal with UTF-8 strings in Erlang.
Creating strings
If you create strings the usual way (String = "äiti".
) remember that
it is Latin-1 encoded.
If you are reading strings from somewhere as a byte stream, you should
use unicode:characters_to_list/2
and give the function the proper
encoding e.g.,
1> unicode:characters_to_list(<<226,152,131>>, utf8).
Here we have the UTF-8 encoded binary representation of the “snow man”
(☃) character. The output is list with Unicode code point
integers. This Unicode string you can use with e.g., functions from
the string
Convert Unicode strings to binaries
Some functions like crypto:sha_mac/2
requires the input to be an
, which a list that does not care about the encodings but
must be just a list of bytes. This cannot take Unicode string as a
parameter since those might have integers in them that need more than
one byte. So if you’re handling strings as Unicode, you will need to
convert them to UTF-8 binaries to functions like
. Like this:
1> UnicodeString = [9731].
2> Utf8Bin = unicode:characters_to_binary(UnicodeString, unicode, utf8).
3> crypto:sha_mac(<<"key">>, Utf8Bin).
As a conclusion. Everything should go well if you stick with Unicode strings and remember to encode/decode them to/from UTF-8 every now and then.